
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Katniss Everdeen; 75th Hunger Games Tribute Parade

A funny thing happened on the way to the Capitol...

I hadn't posted about this costume yet, this was my 'main' costume of this Dragon*Con year. I didn't have a very large, complicated build this year, I took a bit of a break from that, but I do love the more couture nature of this dress. If you don't recognize it, it's a dress worn by Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in the last Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire.

Read on for the details!!

This dress is made from laser-cut leather mounted on top of a metallic gold dress. I managed to find what is either a really good replica or the actual stuff used for the movie. I built the base dress first, and mounted the leather on top by spray adhering it to the dress and hand-tacking it over pretty much the entire thing.

The headdress I built out of pellon, buckram, and hatwire. I covered it in black dupioni, and I embroidered my own lace because I couldn't find one I liked. I sequined over that, and then added gold wires wrapped in fake hair.

The bracelet was interesting. I'm sure the original was somehow molded because it fits better over the thumb than mine, but I'm no metal worker. For this I took a sheet of craft aluminum and cut out the pattern I made with a dremel tool. I hand-filed the edges and polished it to a shine, and then added the leather strapping.

So, I wore this to Dragon*Con, which takes place in the Marriott Marquis hotel in Atlanta, where the tribute's living quarters scenes were filmed for the movie. I had a little fun with my friend Elendriel Alastair riding the elevator they filmed in. We also entered our costumes in the Young Adult Lit costume contest and got "Best Recreation". I also entered it in the Archon Masquerade (takes place in Illinois, and is the best Masquerade in the Midwest) and also got "Best Recreation"!

Here are some of my pictures...

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