
Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 in review and Costume Resolutions

I have a lot to update so I'll try and break it up over a few posts :) 2012 has seemed like quite a long year. This time last year I don't remember what I was doing costume-wise, but I do remember being miserable working at Michael's Crafts during Christmas! I was able to get a new job in August in a fabric store selling sewing machines, and while it's not a full-time career job, it's so much better than where I was last year, and I at least get to use my skills as a seamstress. Here is what I said I'd do last year with what I actually accomplished:
As usual, I deviated from my list but I'm actually quite proud of myself. Instead of only getting one or two things done, I got 5 full costumes done plus half the chainmail skirt for the White Witch. Last year all I got done was my large Padme build plus an 18th century jacket I added before Pirate Fest. The Hobbit I had done early. I added the hunting costume after The Hunger Games came out and the replica bow became available. After about 6 months I decided the White Witch would require too much work to get done in time so I dropped it as a definite finish (but kept chainmailing) and added some Katniss costumes instead. I hadn't posted much about it, but that Jedi was added before a convention in town, and I was getting sick of my regular Jedi outfit so I decided to whip this one together.

As usual, I am insane. I can't decide on anything to cut at the moment.

White Witch, Narnia- Still working on, but not to finish this year. My goal is to finish the chainmail this year, and next year I want to finish for D*C. I'll have the corset, crown, lion's mane, wig, and two swords and/or wand for 2014.

Moaning Myrtle, Harry Potter- I tried to finish this for Halloween but I couldn't pull it off. I have the shirt done and the gymslip almost done. I have to do the robe and figure out the make-up.

Snow White, Once Upon A Time- I was waiting for Alice, Ariel, or Tink to show up on the show, but I fell in love with this outfit, plus I don't think it'll be that hard to make. I've finished one part of it and have the actual fabric for the jacket.

Padme Meadow Gown, Star Wars Ep II- I'm worried about this one because of all the handwork and the expense of the fabric, but I'd really like to try and get this done before the release of EPII in 3D in September

Katniss Victory Gown, Hunger Games- Added because I found the eyelashes to use plus it looks pretty easy, but I'll probably save this one til I get a few others finished.

Katniss and Clove, 74th Arena, Hunger Games- These were added because I have the opportunity to wear them somewhere awesome this spring. I have the jacket for Christmas, so I can wear the same pants and shoes, I have to make Clove's jacket based on Katniss', and buy the t-shirts. I mostly have to worry about wigs and Katniss' props.

I have 75th Arena Katniss up there, but I wasn't to enthused to see what the new costume designer came up with. I designed my own, but I don't think I have time.

Let's see how I do! Guess we'll find out in a year!

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